Mini Diary


Today after work, I went on a food run for myself; picked up some gulab jamuns from a restaurant near one of the bus stops, some doubles from a place near my place, as well as some Afghan ice cream called Sheer Yakh (apparently it's also called kulfi) from this bakery near the place I bought doubles from! The owner let me try a sample, since apparently they're made in house! He was telling me how it's made with condensed milk which explains the creamy colour, sugar, and cardamom. I saw it was topped with crushed pistatio and almonds. I have to say I'm very impressed with the flavour profile! It's in the freezer right now so I can have some any time, like the cakes I bought with the Too Good to Go app.

...remind me to try Flip. Also, I was today years old when I realized that my music player won't work unless I upgrade to Supporter on Neocities. Hmmm...


Another day, another dollar...but also a day I got to hang out with with a couple of good friends of mine. And also another day of working on this website (even if it's just one page). At least my biography page looks decent with the icons.

Phew, thank goodness I can stylize separate elements from within the elements' code...


An actual diary entry for once!

I was thinking how I've been looking forward to two things tonight after I finish work: having one of the slices of cake I bought from this bakery near my house, as well as working on this website. I have a general idea of what I want to include on this website; I just need to plan for them. For now, making my music player code and having it work to my liking - as well as making the aesthetics the way I want to look - should be my priority. Designing a button should be easy too; but again, I need to finalize how it will look.

Wait a minute...what if I made a path for my cursor?

Also...what would a mobile version of the website look like? I have an extremely rough idea of how I can make it consistent with the desktop version. It will most likely go to the backburner for the time being. You can probably tell I am excited for this pet project...ah! Time to get off the bus!

Update as of 10:13pm: customizing the music player to my liking was a success! There's only the basic features such as a play button, but I've made quite the progress. Although; I got lazy with the Javascript part. You know how you can kind of read the code, but you just don't want to type it out because it's extremely overwhelming? It's like that...I try not to do that this time as I want to remember what does what. I will say I'm glad I decided to go with iframes so the music can still play even after switching between pages.

Okay...I tested out the music player, and while the basics have worked, I want to decorate it with CSS. But first, I figured I'd tinker around with decorating my website to be more my liking, and decided to code in an iFrame for all of my website's content instead of using regular webpages. This is one of the many 'going back to my roots' things as I've loved using iFrames. I hear some criticism about it, but it's easier for me to organize all of my contents without having constantly having to change *all* of my pages' content.

Not only that, but I also found a lot of pixel graphics and got to place them in all of the desired places. I also figured the tanabata could be filled with snowflakes and stars instead - since I don't want to offend anybody in any capacity. I also learned how to make glowing text and properly cut a certain PNG for the image overlay (I know this is all html lingo and it's incomprehensible, but I have no way to explain it like a normal civilian). Added a scrollbar for the iframe as well. I feel like I've accomplished so much in one day. It's crazy!

Not going to lie, my skills are rusty, but some refreshers have been nice. Not only that, but Visual Code has been helping me compare my code to my site layout. Way nicer and easier to use than Dreamweaver - or just Notepad, ha ha! Too bad gradients don't work in CSS anymore, no matter what I did. Oh yea, I got to finish replaying the main game for Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. For the past few months since June, I've been playing Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. When I finished, I decided to replay the entire series - which was also quite the journey.

Oh yea, I should put a disclaimer as well. Make it look nice while I'm at it. I'm not sure what's the minimum resolution this site can be viewed in, let alone being viewed on mobile (I'm pretty sure it's far from being mobile friendly...)! I also learned the importance of why I should separate my graphics for a fancier experience. Also noting to myself that hashtags before the ID in a CSS file is for Div IDs, while periods before the ID is for Div classes.

Maybe I should make Aer blink too...I can actually do blinding animations...

Today I will code a music player. I think adding in a playlist of songs would be nice for enhancing the website experience.

Filler text at this point because I need to test out what's a good size for the main font, as well as how do these blocks of texts look before I finalize the site layout illust. Trust me, I want this one to be very immersive. And it's going to be to my liking considering how Y2K websites are making a comeback thanks to Neocities, and all other website hosts.

This could also be good for testing journal entries should I decide to be vulnerable outside of social media again. Trust me, it takes a lot of work to curate a space for yourself with little reward on a social media platform (it doesn't matter which one, to be honest. All of them yield the same results). Not to mention VERY little creativity. This YouTube video sparked up the desire to make websites again - for expressing myself explicitly with very little repurcussions.

At first I was going to just copy and paste the previous two text blocks I typed for filler and testing, but it turns out that there has been a LOT on my mind and I internally needed to let all of this out. Such as, what font should I use instead of Trebuchet even though that wasn't actually what I was mauling about, but it may as well be. Or, if I wanted to make this layout an iFrame instead of using Divs. After all, from experience, an iFrame saves on loading time for the main page and all I need to do is just make the pages I need and shove in the content without worrying too much about the code (at least, from my discovery when I was younger).

Anyway, I'm now at a place where my art has significantly improved compared to my childhood years. It's more so making my inner child being proud of who I have become...I guess. I am essentially the same person I was at my core - but with significant personal development. Growth doesn't - and shouldn't - stop from there. At the same time, healing my inner child isn't wrong either. Hence why this is the outlet to do so. Now is the good chance for me to regain myself - before I find myself losing myself to the scum of the world.

Damn, that was quite the load of text for just a test run. But hey, it makes interesting content to see when it comes to documentation. After all, I shouldn't be ashamed of my progress.